Category Archives: Announcements

There will be a Public Workshop on January 14th at the Cherryfield Academy for an evening of discussion on what people in Cherryfield would like to see in the design for the Cable Pool Park. Families encouraged to attend. Light refreshments will be served !

Posted in Announcements


Nomination papers are now available for Selectmen ( 2 positions) and School Board (1 position)  Papers would need to be filed back with the Town Clerk by January 16, 2025.

Posted in Announcements

NOTICE……The Town Office will be closing at noon on December 24th and be closed until the day after Christmas…..Thursday, Dec. 26th.  Have a great Christmas everyone………..

Posted in Announcements

NOTICE: The Selectmen’s Meeting for November will be on Tuesday, Nov. 19th at 6:00 p.m.

Posted in Announcements

NOTICE: RCS ASSESSMENT SERVICES are in town now. They are doing a legally required valuation of everyone’s property in the Town of Cherryfield. If you want to have a fair assessment of your property you need to let them do their job. Otherwise, your assessment for taxes will have to be what they assume you have. Please be aware and let them on your property to get the correct information.

Posted in Announcements

The Selectmen’s Meeting for Tues., Aug. 27th has been canceled. Next meeting date will be posted when it is set.

Posted in Announcements

Town Office will be closed on Thursday, July 4th as well as the regular scheduled Friday day off. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Posted in Announcements

NOTICE: The Selectmen’s meeting scheduled for May28th has been cancelled. Will post the date when rescheduled.

Posted in Announcements


The regular Selectmen’s meeting for Tuesday, March 26th has been postponed until Tuesday, April 2nd.

Posted in Announcements


There is an  Election of Town Officials on Tuesday, March 5th from 8:00 to 8:00 along with the Federal Presidential Primary.

Posted in Announcements