The Town of Cherryfield is holding a public comment period for the 2019 Cherryfield Comprehensive Plan from February 1, through March 2, 2021. This is a formal comment period for the final 2019 Update. There will be a Public Hearing via Zoom on March 4, 2021. Watch for the notice. The draft of the Plan can be downloaded from this website or a copy can be viewed at the Cherryfield Library and the Town Office. Comments can be made in email to townofcherryfieldplanning or by writing to ATTN: Cherryfield Planning Board, P.O. Box 58, Cherryfield, ME 04622
Recent News & Announcements
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- NOTICE: The Selectmen’s Meeting for November will be on Tuesday, Nov. 19th at 6:00 p.m.
- NOTICE: RCS ASSESSMENT SERVICES are in town now. They are doing a legally required valuation of everyone’s property in the Town of Cherryfield. If you want to have a fair assessment of your property you need to let them do their job. Otherwise, your assessment for taxes will have to be what they assume you have. Please be aware and let them on your property to get the correct information.