The meeting directly followed a very well attended Public Hearing to discuss the Proposed Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Siting Ordinance.
The first article of business at the Town Meeting was to vote on the Proposed Ordinance. After considerable discussion the Proposed Ordinance was not accepted. So, at this time, the Town will continue to use the current Land Use Ordinance that requires a site plan review by the Planning Board for Communications Towers.
The 2nd article on the warrant passed as proposed by the Board of Selectmen. The Town will be staying with the MRC; and taking our solid waste to Fiberight in Hampden, starting in 2018.
The meeting was attended by 91 people.
The Proposed Ordinance obviously raised a lot of concern in our community as evidenced by the large turnout of voters for both the Public Hearing and the Special Town Meeting. In general, the majority of those attending felt that the Ordinance was very restrictive for our small town.
The Planning Board listened to all the questions and concerns of the townspeople. The Planning Board also had concerns; one being that the concerns had not been voiced prior at any of the monthly Planning Board Meetings. They felt that if that had happened, things would have looked a bit different.
It seems to be a problem getting information out to everyone. Please note that all meetings are publicly posted at the Town Office well in advance of the date of the meetings. All Town Meetings, Special Meetings, Elections, etc – are posted at the Town Office, on the sign outside the Town Office, in town businesses, as well as in both The County Wide Newspaper and the online Downeast Coastal News. We now also have this website which we will update often.
The public is welcome to come into the Town Office , or call to check on upcoming meetings or information. The Town Office is open Mon- Fri from 8:30- 4:00. Our telephone number is 546-2376.
The Planning Board has regular meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at the Town Office , and the meetings are always open to the Public.